Maggie Reads Romance

40 | TV-addict | Compulsive | Introvert | Comfortable | Loving | Living | Enjoying | Working | Baking | Shopping | Traveling | Reading | Socializing | Chronic (e)book hoarder and avid reader. I'm married to my real life romance hero, addicted to TV shows, reading romance novels and Twitter. My absolute favorite genres within romance fiction are contemporary romance (from scorching hot erotic to super sweet) and romantic suspense, but I don’t shy away from historical or paranormal romance either. Even the occasional futuristic and sci fi romance may make it to my Mount TBR. This is one of the corners of the world wide web where I let you know what books I’m hoarding and reading.

Beyond Addiction

Beyond Addiction - Kit Rocha Kit Rocha just doesn't disappoint! I have no words for how much I love this series!!
Review coming soon.

One Night of Sin (After Hours)

One Night of Sin (An After Hours Novella) - Elle Kennedy Review to come soon

Red Red Wine

Red Red Wine - Jess Dee Review coming soon

Ricochet: Renegades, Book 3

Ricochet: Renegades, Book 3 - Skye Jordan, Joan Swan Review coming shortly


Rebel - Skye Jordan Review to come soon

When I Fall

When I Fall - Tamara Morgan Review to come soon

One More Night

One More Night - Lauren Blakely 4,5 stars
Review shortly

Crossing the Line (Battered Hearts #3)

Crossing the Line (Battered Hearts #3) - Kele Moon Review coming soon!

Meeting His Match (A Match Me Novel) (Entangled Lovestruck)

Meeting His Match (A Match Me Novel) (Entangled Lovestruck) - Katee Robert Review coming soon

Love is a Battlefield

Love is a Battlefield - Vivian Arend, Elle Kennedy Review coming shortly!

Out of Control

Out of Control - Teresa Noelle Roberts 3,75 stars
Review to come

Cowboy Take Me Away

Cowboy Take Me Away - Lorelei James 4,5 stars

I write this review with a double feeling: happiness about this being a truly fantastic Rough Rider book and sadness because it's the last one. Lorelei James's LONG HARD RIDE was the book that introduced me to erotic contemporary western romance and I'll will be forever grateful for finding her books and this genre. It was my gateway to erotic romance and to the many, many, many wonderful ebooks I've bought and read from Samhain Publishing.

COWBOY TAKE ME AWAY is a worthy final book of the series, even if I'd rather seen the series continue. This is the end of the McKay family Saga, a saga filled with love, pain, hapiness, grief, heat and sexiness, family issues and joy. The start of this book immediately put me on my toes! It wasn't was I was expecting after reading the cover copy. Then I caught on on what Lorelei James was doing and I was in awe! Though I dislike flashback narrative this is one of the best ways I've seen it done. I laughed, cried, fanned myself and when I finished I wanted Cal's and Charlie's stories too so secretly I'm hoping Lorelei James will decide to go on and write those stories too.

I loved how this book answered some unanswered questions I had after the 15 books I've read in this series and how it crossed the t's and dotted the i's in a fabulous way. I also loved the visits from Carson's nephews, son and daughters-in-law, sisters-in-law, kids and other family members...without spoiling I can't say much more about it but it was a brilliant move in the plot/story. It showed the family the McKays are. A family that hasn't always had it easy but are always there for each other.

Every book in this series has been fabulous. It's the only series I've read from start to finish and almost all the books as soon as they released. This last book was one of the best as it told a love story that spans over fifty years. So I got to see the courtship and the newlyweds and after that the HEA with the children, the family issues, the financial issues, the grand children. This isn't something you get often in Romance novels besides an epilogue here and there.

What the heck am I going to do without new Rough Rider books to look forward to? I'm sure there'll be a re-reading marathon of ALL the books in this series because many of the scenes reminded me of the previous couples' stories and made me long to read them all over again.

Memorable Scenes:
- the one at the lake and the picnic table > awesome scene that described Carson and Carolyn's blossoming feelings beautifully!
- the one in the rain after the drive-in > I LOVE sexy scenes in the rain and this one was fantastic!
- the one with the confrontation with Carolyn's brothers and father > awesome!
- the one with the wedding night > so super hot and sexy
- the one outside the Silver Spur, after Carolyn's fight > trademark LJ scorching scene
- the one with the rope > kinky Carson!
- the one where Carson takes care of the kids alone while Carolyn's away > I smiled, grinned, chuckled and laughed and laughed and laughed
- the last two chapters > I always cry at the end of a Rough Rider book but I don't think I've ever cried this much or this hard

Favorite Quotes:
As soon as they were fully clothed, Carson pulled her into his arms and just held her. No ravenous kisses, no roaming hands. His need for such simple contact with her sent her spiraling to the point of no return.
She knew then that she loved him. After less than a week.
It didn’t feel wrong. Or impulsive. It felt like she’d found where she belonged.

His lips grazed her ear. “I want you to feel my possession, Carolyn. So when you look back, you’ll remember this as the night you became mine in name and body.”

“Promise me you’ll give me another chance.”
“I will.”
“Promise me you won’t leave me.”
“I won’t.”
“Tell me you still love me.”
“I still love you.”
That’s when he unfurled all that coiled male need. Pounding into her like a battering ram.

His gentleness was her undoing. His mouth moved over hers sweetly as he whispered promises against her lips. “I love you more than life itself. You don’t ever have to worry that I’ll stray. You own me; heart, soul, mind, body and cock. Forever.”

His solid body crushed her, filled her, moved her, owned her, destroyed her. As many times and as many ways as they’d made love, this was her favorite: face to face, mouth to mouth, eye to eye, heart to heart.

Icing on the Cake

Icing on the Cake - Karla Doyle 4,75 stars

The book I've been waiting for ever since I finished CUP OF SUGAR is finally here! The book about the main couple from COS's siblings: Curtis, the hero's tattooed hot cop brother and Sara, the heroine's free-spirited, defiant sister.

I don't even know where to begin about this book. This is one of those books that I just want to yell at people to go buy and read. The mix of emotion, conflict, heat and humor was perfect. Karla Doyle is a master at combining these for elements into books I can't stop reading and when I have to, I can't wait to get back to them. Her writing always, ALWAYS hits the mark with me and every book seems to get better and better.

The chemistry, connection and vebal sparring between Sara and Curtis was off the charts! Sara is a smart-mouthed spitfire and Curtis is a dirty-talking alpha cop. I loved them both as individual characters with their issues and hang-ups and as a couple that slowly but surely made the journey from one-night stand heat to something meaningful and lasting. Sara doesn't want love as it leads to loss and Curtis doesn't believe in love and HEAs. The sexy scenes were panty-melting hot and my only very minor complaint is that I would have loved to have more of them in the book. On the other hand I understand that the pages were needed for the emotional story arc and that always trumps sexy scenes in my book.

Again I not only loved the main couple of this book but also the secondary characters, who formed an awesome supporting cast. In particular Jake Campbell, Curtis's partner grabbed my attention from the minute he appeared on the page. Teasing and baiting Curtis about Sara. I hope he's getting a story of his own too in the future. I also really liked Lindsay even though she was a bit bitchier than in the first book! Saw her book is up next and I can't wait!

Memorable Scenes:
- the one in Curtis's hotelroom after the wedding > sweet lord, any hotter and my e-reader would've exploded!
- the one with the proposal > I got all teary-eyed and it's my favorite scene in the book

Favorite Quotes:
“Just making sure everything goes smoothly for my brother. And your sister.”
She yanked, and his fingers tightened around her wrist. “By handcuffing me to six feet of good behavior?”
“Six-two. And babe, if and when I put the cuffs on you, you can count on my behavior being very, very bad.”

She stuck out her tongue, revealing a small white candy. “What can I say, I’m a fan of fresh breath.”
“Then I hope you have more of those candies for later.” He pulled the cash from her fist and flicked it aside, then guided her palm to his fly. “I’ve got plans for that smart mouth of yours, and they involve several four-letter words, none of which are ‘mint.’”

“I like these,” he said, depositing the stilettos on her lap as he filled his side of the car with his big frame and even bigger presence. “Put them back on.”
“Ooh, are we going to role-play ‘dirty cop fucks a call girl’? I like that one.”
“I don’t role-play.” The look he gave her while bringing the car rumbling to life would have made an erupting volcano seem frigid. “I don’t need games to make sex exciting.”

“All I want from you is a record-setting number of orgasms.”
“What’s the number to beat?”
“Depends. Who you want to compete with—a human, or my vibrator.”

A thousand miniature suns must be racing through his bloodstream, because he felt like he was going to explode. If he didn’t get inside her soon, he just might. All over the mattress.

There was no good way to answer. Jake was a buddy as well as a damn good cop. He’d know if Curtis fed him a load of bull, and he’d have far too much fun with the info if Curtis told him the whole truth. Best he could do was shoot for the middle and hope a partial version floated like shit from a high-fiber diet.

In the middle of the most serious conversation of his life and she managed to make him chuckle. “Stay here and figure it out. With me. Let’s find out how many ways you can make me crazy. How many ways I can piss you off and calm you down. I want to count how many times you call me ‘dude’ before admitting you’re in love with me too.”

Down And Dirty

Down And Dirty - Sami Lee, Lexxie Couper, Jess Dee, Rhian Cahill Before I review the individual stories I must say this boxed set has my name written ALL OVER IT! Come on,'s a ménage anthology by my fave auto-buy aussie romance authors. How can I not want to read this? Well I did want to, so badly I pre-ordered it, downloaded it on release day and started reading it the next day (only because I had another book to finish reading first). These 4 authors couldn't have found a better title than DOWN AND DIRTY! Individually they heat up the pages and put together they should come with a warning: read at own risk as overheating and spontaneous combustion may occur! All four stories have a ménage theme, yet all of them are uniquely different as they convey each author's uniquely honed style.

Warning: if you love ménage romances this book is a hazard to you body temperature and your panties!

Burning Up - Sami Lee
4,5 stars
This was a ménage with a heroine in the sanwiched between one man she has an antagonistic relationship with including the trading of insults (Steve) and another who is much younger than she is (Rob). I couldn't be happier with this premise. The premise took a bit of an unexpected turn but to be honest I liked that turn as deep down I was rooting for the outcome that Sami Lee gave us.

I have one small complaint: it was too short! Would have loved to read a lot more about these characters! I really love Sami Lee's writing. Her books are very hot but always classy and though she doesn't mince words it never turns crass.

Memorable Scene:
- the one with the three of them in Corey's room at the party > Spontaneous combustion in 3...2...1!

Favorite Quotes:
He had premature-ejaculation trouble in his fantasies. It was fucking humiliating. ~Steve

“God, that’s so hot.”
Rob’s comment registered somewhere in Steve’s mind, as did the soft click of the door as it closed. It wasn’t enough to stop him from kissing Pam, kissing her, devouring her and caressing her until he ran out of breath. Only then did he pull back, feeling punch drunk and confused and so horny it was debilitating to his mental function.

Pam stared down at him. “I’m so horny I’m about to explode, so one of you fuck me already.”
Steve gave her nipple an impertinent pinch. “Nice mouth for an English teacher.”
“As a teacher, I believe in making optimum use of all words in the English language.”
“As a fireman, I have to caution you against playing with matches, sweetheart,” Steve said. “You have no idea how hard I want to fuck you. You talk dirty again and you’ll get what you’re asking for.”

His smile was affectionate, his grip on her wrist gentle. But when he moved her hand to settle over his heart, Pam realized there was nothing gentle about the way it slammed into his chest in a rapid cadence. Her own heart accelerated in tandem with his, launching itself against her ribcage in a mixture of excitement and fear, fear that she had this wrong somehow.

Compliance - Lexxie Couper
4,75 stars
Yay! Another 'Heart of Fame' story and double YAY, Bethany from GUARDED DESIRES is the heroine. I'd been hoping for her story ever since I read that book. Many readers didn't like the role she played in the story but I did and I'm thrilled to read her own story now.

An uncertain and introvert nerd, a confident and compassionate jock and a feisty and brave PA comprise this ménage story. While it sounds like the beginning of a corny joke (there's even a bar), it's far from that. This is one red-hot ménage story that set my e-reader on fire!

Lexxie Couper never fails to please with her scorching and heartfelt stories. As with the first story the outcome wasn't exactly what I expected but it totally worked.

Memorable Scene:
- the one with Australia's national anthem > You'll know why when you read it

Favorite Quotes:
Logan moved.
A single stride that destroyed the distance between them.
Stare locked on hers through the lenses of his glasses, he buried his hands in her hair, lowered his face to hers and took possession of her lips with his.
Liquid shards of heat sank into Bethany’s core. She gasped into his mouth, the action granting his tongue access to hers. He took it, a savage kiss of dominating hunger and need.

The acceptance of the moment, the erotic perfection of the two of them working in such intimate harmony to bring Bethany to the peak of sexual pleasure flayed at Logan’s control.

Party of Three - Jess Dee
5 stars
Book 1 in a new Jess Dee series and I'm already hooked and craving more in this series. The group of friends that have a monthly Sunday night dinner captured my attention from the start with their easy banter and teasing. The humor in this book was awesome. Not only in the group of friends but also between Chelsea, Spencer and Levi in any given combination.

Once again Jess Dee writes a carnal and emotion-filled ménage that's sexy as hell and doesn't take the easy road. I loved everything about this novella! EVERYTHING! Contrary to the first 2 stories in this collection this one did have the ending I was hoping for but I could have read on forever about Chelsea, Spencer and Levi!

Memorable Scenes:
- the one with Spencer and Chelsea on the stool > Oh my, that was hot
- the one with the actual threesome > you need a fan, a cooling pack and a huge icecold drink with that?

Favorite Quotes:
“Wear something sexy.”
She snorted. “To run in?”
He leaned in close. “Underneath your running clothes. It’ll give me something to fantasize about while I’m gasping for breath.”

If her eveningwear got his blood pumping, her exercise gear almost sent him into cardiac arrest.

If running had emptied his lungs of breath, kissing her filled his blood with fire. Chelsea made him burn. Passion ignited inside, a culmination of months of aching for her yet repressing the need.

Problem was that staying power was diminishing with every one of Chelsea’s lustful moans and every one of Spence’s dirty words.
Fuck knew where he found the energy, but Spence was talking both of them through the experience, and the filth that came out of his mouth would have made Levi laugh—if it didn’t make his skin itch with the need to come.

Pass the Parcel - Rhian Cahill
5 stars
I must confess I beta-read this story a while back. Second time around it was just as awesome, if not more as I now read it as a reader, for fun! PASS THE PARCEL is a super sexy and enotional story that kept me enthralled from start to finish. The two men were sexy and dirty but also caring and sweet. The heroine was scared but brave and I loved how she embraced her sexuality but took her time and distance to let it all sink in.

I loved that Rhian's story differed from the others in that both men are familiar with ménages and they work together from the start to get Kitty on board instead of accepting the sharing as a way not to lose the woman or going for a one-time threesome. I shouldn't pick favorites so don't tell anyone but Rhian Cahill's was my favorite of the 4 stories.

Memorable Scene:
The bath tub scene > so freaking hot!

Favorite Quotes:
She kept tugging at the hem on her skirt even though you’d have to lie on the ground between her feet to see anything more than her mile-long legs. A vision of those smooth limbs wrapped around his waist while he pounded into her flashed through his mind. The image drove his blood at breakneck speed through his veins until it pooled in his groin with a bone-deep throb.

Oh God. She was melting now. Her insides were liquefying in the wake of their explicitness—in the animalistic nature of their lust and their refusal to hide it. Swallowing hard, she continued to nod.

He tore his mouth from hers and nibbled his way down her chin and along her jaw until he reached the tender skin beneath her ear. Nuzzling into the delicate spot, he whispered all the dirty things he wanted to do to her—with her—against her damp flesh.

With a bold stroke, he pressed his tongue between her lips and slid it along the edge of her teeth. She opened for him and a soft moan slipped up her throat when he dove into the dark depths of her mouth. Her tongue joined his. Warm and wet, their tongues danced and their breaths mingled. It was slick heat and it oozed through his veins like melted chocolate, coating everything in a sticky-sweet indulgence that bombarded his senses.

Tricked and Treated

Tricked and Treated - Lauren Blakely 2,75 stars
Review to come soon!

Too Much

Too Much - Lea Griffith 4,5 stars!
Review to come shortly

Currently reading

Katie Porter
Progress: 12 %